A Prayer During Challenging Times and Circumstances

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This weekend, a special session of the General Conference will meet in St. Louis. The following prayer is from our Bishop LaTrelle Easterling. It has been edited for space. 

Gracious and loving God, who leads, teaches and guides, You who offer compassion, grace and mercy, be with us now.  We passionately seek Your presence during challenging times and circumstances and we trust that you are moving in and around our lives.  Give us courage as we continue to live and respond to Your invitation to be Your hands, feet and voice. 

We ask for Your wisdom and presence for those among us who have been called to serve as delegates as the Special Session of General Conference gathers today. Grant them clarity and a discerning spirit as they seek to listen for You in their midst. Reveal to them Your deep desire for our future as a church. 

Give them and us the faith to lay aside our personal wants and needs so that we can be truly present to You, sit with You in reverence and awe, and listen deeply for the still small voice that woos us, comforts us, and invites us to that place where we can live fully and wholly into the Kingdom life that You desire for us. 

We lay all this before You as the deep desire of our hearts and minds in the name of Jesus, the Christ. Amen. 


Photo by Matthew Henry on Unsplash