Advent 3: Joy!

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When we Christians talk of joy, it is not to be confused with a feeling of happiness. Feelings are fleeting and depend on the circumstances of the moment. Christian joy is different. It is not temporary, but permanent; it is founded not on circumstances, but on the certainty of God’s love.

One of my greatest sources of encouragement to grow in Christian joy is looking at the lives of those who have been in Christ a long time.  As a Pastor I have consistently seen older adults who radiate the joy of Christ in their daily lives and in worship. People who may struggle hearing or seeing or walking who come to church through their pains and challenges to worship God and participate in the community of Christ have joy that is contagious.

Take a step back from the deadlines, challenges, and trials you may have to immerse yourself in the joy of the season. Be steady in prayer and find time to meditate. This is a time for feasting and joy-filled celebration. Rejoice! I say again, Rejoice!

Pastor Curtis