Blessings for a Merry Christmas

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Peace on earth and goodwill to all men and women.

One of my favorite war stories is the Christmas Truce of 1914 (the war ending in 1918). The truce was in occupied Belgium and France and so the temporary peace was seen mostly between Saxon (German) and Anglo-Saxon (English) troops who were both away from their homeland and shared many Christmas traditions. The Germans put Christmas trees with candles on the ridge of the trenches on Christmas Eve and sang Christmas songs. The English would sing their Christmas songs. Conversations started, with many Germans knowing English. It was not uncommon for Germans to be waiters and other workers in England before the war. Finally, a truce was called to bury the dead in no-man's land, and after that task was completed no one wanted to go back to the trenches. Soldiers who were shooting at each other the day before were now exchanging food and gifts with each other.

We need to see humanity in others. We need to love one another regardless of political, national, cultural, or secular beliefs. We are one in Christ. Let us celebrate this coming Christmas and all days with Christian joy, peace, love, and understanding.