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Today is Palm Sunday, a day to celebrate Jesus' triumphant entrance into Jerusalem. You can imagine the Beatlemania-esque pandemonium - loud cheers of Hosanna, palm leaves waving and cloaks spread on the ground. Truly an epic event.

Next Sunday is Easter, a day to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus. The impossible was made possible, and Jesus had a bodily resurrection, opening the door to our own eternal life. Truly a miraculous and joy-filled event.

But it would be tragic if we forgot that sandwiched in the middle of these days of celebration were days of betrayal, accusation, punishment, and ultimately the death of Jesus. It is essential to recall Jesus' pain and suffering and the humanity of Jesus. Please come to our Holy Thursday/Good Friday service this coming Thursday evening at 6:30. We start with a communal soup and bread dinner in our fellowship hall followed by Holy Communion and worship in the sanctuary. Our worship will recall the pain, suffering, and death of Jesus on the cross with readings and a video accompanied by the singing of "Via Dolorosa" by Emily Pope. We will depart in silence.
 - Pastor Curtis